Friday, September 2, 2011

SharePoint 2010 Backup and Recovery

Initial Backup Configuration
•    Farm, Service Applications, Content Databases: Local Administrator Group Member
•    Site collections, sites, lists, document libraries: Farm Administrator Group Member

Backing Up the Farm
following services must be running at the time you are issuing the backup command from CA:
•    Timer Service
•    SharePoint Foundation Administration Service

    In order to be able to back up the content databases, you must have the db_backupoperator role assigned to the user you are trying to perform the backup with.
Backing Up Content Databases
Backup-SPFarm -Directory "path" -BackupMethod "Full|Differential" -Item

•    Directory: Set the backup folder
•    BackupMethod: Specify whether to run a full or differential backup
•    Item: Specify the farm, web application or (shared) service application you want to backup

    At the end of the backup/restore operation you will find either spbackup.log or sprestore.log.
Backing Up Site Collection, Lists and Document Libraries
    The preferred file extension is .bak.
Backup-SPSite -Identity "Site Collection Name" -Path "path"  [-UseSqlSnapshot] [-NoSiteLock]

we can back up single sites, lists or document libraries:
Export-SPWeb -Identity "Site/List/Library name" -Path "path" [-IncludeUserSecurity] [-GradualDelete] [-IncludeVersions]

Backing Up Log Files
Merge-SPLogFile -Path"path" -Overwrite

Initial Restore Configuration
1.    Start the SharePoint Foundation Administration Service on all farm servers
2.    Do not restart services using the Product Configuration Wizard (which causes custom configuration of the service apps to be lost).

Restoring an Entire Farm
1.    Restore-SPFarm –Directory "path" –RestoreMethod Overwrite [-BackupId "guid"]
2.    Get-SPBackupHistory -Directory "path"

Start and Stop Service using Powershell
1.    Get-SPServiceInstance | Stop-SPServiceInstance
2.    Get-SPServiceInstance | Start-SPServiceInstance

Restore Using the SQL Server Tools
•    You cannot restore the SharePoint 2010 configuration data.
•    You cannot restore SharePoint 2010 search.

Backing Up and Restoring Configuration Settings on Another Farm
What you need to bear in mind for the mentioned scenario is that you must copy and restore the configuration settings for the following elements:
•    The farm
•    Web applications
•    Service applications
1.    Get-SPWebApplication | %{$_.Name;$_.Url;%{$_.ContentDatabases|%{$_.Name}; Write-Host “” }}
2.    Get-SPContentDatabase | Dismount-ContentDatabases3.   
4.    Backup-SPFarm –Directory "path" -BackupMethod "Full | Differential"
5.    Mount-SPContentDatabase –Name "WSS_Content" -WebApplication "URL"
6.    Restore-SPFarm –Directory "path" -RestoreMethod Overwrite -ConfigurationOnly
7.    Restore-SPFarm –Directory <backup folder> -RestoreMethod Overwrite –ConfigurationOnly –Item "web app | service app"
8.    Update-SPSecureStoreApplicationServerKey –Passphrase <passphrase>
9.    Mount-SPContentDatabase –Name <db name> -WebApplication <web app URL>

Restoring Site Collections
1.    Restore-SPSite –Identity <site_collection_url> -Path <network_shared_path>\newteamsite.bak -Force

Import list and libraries
1. Import-SPWeb –Identity <site_collection_url> -Path <network_shared_path>\listname.cmp

Create a network shared folder
1. Start, Command Prompt
2. cd /
3. mkdir SPBackupFolder
4. Cacls SPBackupFolder /G <DomainName>\Administrator:F
5. Net Share SPBackupFolder=C:\SPBackupFolder /GRANT:<DomainFolder>\Adminstrator,FULL
Get-Help Restore-SPSite -detailed
Get-Help Import-SPWeb -detailed
Get-Help Get-SPBackupHistory -detailed
Get-SPBackupHistory –Directory <network_shared_path>\SPBackup
Get-SPBackupHistory –Directory <network_shared_path>\SPBackup -ShowBackup
Get-SPBackupHistory –Directory <network_shared_path>\SPBackup -ShowRestore

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