// {
// "AzureOAIEndpoint": "https://rg1openailab.openai.azure.com/",
// "AzureOAIKey": "e9712dc11fd141a31491fecb1f3c8e3d",
// "AzureOAIDeploymentName": "gpt35turbo16kdemo"
// }
// dotnet add package Azure.AI.OpenAI --version 1.0.0-beta.14
//dotnet run
using System.Text;
using System.Text.Json;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Json;
using Azure;
using Azure.AI.OpenAI;
IConfiguration config = new ConfigurationBuilder().
string? oaiEndpoint = config["AzureOAIEndpoint"];
string? oaiKey = config["AzureOAIKey"];
string? oaiDeploymentName = config["AzureOAIDeploymentName"];
string command;
bool printFullResponse = false;
Console.WriteLine("\n1: Add comments to my function\n" +
"2: Write unit tests for my function\n" +
"3: Fix my Go Fish game\n" +
"\"quit\" to exit the program\n\n" +
"Enter a number to select a task:");
command = Console.ReadLine() ?? "";
if (command == "quit")
Console.WriteLine("Exiting program...");
Console.WriteLine("\nEnter a prompt: ");
string userPrompt = Console.ReadLine() ?? "";
string codeFile = "";
if (command == "1" || command == "2")
codeFile = System.IO.File
else if (command == "3")
codeFile = System.IO.File
Console.WriteLine("Invalid input. Please try again.");
userPrompt += codeFile;
await GetResponseFromOpenAI(userPrompt);
} while (true);
async Task GetResponseFromOpenAI(string prompt)
Console.WriteLine("\nCalling Azure OpenAI to generate code...\n\n");
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(oaiEndpoint) ||
string.IsNullOrEmpty(oaiKey) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(oaiDeploymentName))
Console.WriteLine("Please check your appsettings.json
file for missing or incorrect values.");
OpenAIClient client = new OpenAIClient(new Uri(oaiEndpoint),
new AzureKeyCredential(oaiKey));
string systemPrompt = "You are a helpful AI assistant that helps
programmers write code.";
string userPrompt = prompt;
var chatCompletionsOptions = new ChatCompletionsOptions()
Messages =
new ChatRequestSystemMessage(systemPrompt),
new ChatRequestUserMessage(userPrompt)
Temperature = 0.7f,
MaxTokens = 1000,
DeploymentName = oaiDeploymentName
Response<ChatCompletions> response =
await client.GetChatCompletionsAsync(chatCompletionsOptions);
ChatCompletions completions = response.Value;
string completion = completions.Choices[0].Message.Content;
if (printFullResponse)
Console.WriteLine($"\nFull response:
{JsonSerializer.Serialize(completions, new JsonSerializerOptions
{ WriteIndented = true })}\n\n");
System.IO.File.WriteAllText("result/app.txt", completion);
Console.WriteLine($"\nResponse written to result/app.txt\n\n");