- Python:
the Python interpreter
- Matplotlib:
Python 2D plotting library (
- networkx:
Python package for creating and manipulating complex networks (
- NumPy:
fundamental package for scientific computing with Python (
- Pandas:
high-performance, easy-to-use data structures and data analysis tools (
- scikit-learn:
machine learning in Python (
- seaborn:
statistical data visualization (
- statsmodels:
implementation of different statistical models and tests (
Install the following:
- cartopy:
a library providing cartographic tools for Python (
Only required if you want to run all examples from the book
- graphviz:
Application to visualize graphs (
- python-graphviz:
Python interface for graphviz (
- pydotplus:
Python interface to graphviz’s dot language. Required to visualize
decision trees (
- gmaps:
Python interface to Google maps. See appendix for details about installing
this package (
- nltk:
Natural language processing toolkit. Required for more advanced text
mining applications (
- mlxtend:
machine learning library that provides access to association rules mining
algorithms (
- scikit-surprise:
a library for recommender systems (
- squarify:
algorithm to layout tree map visualizations (
- twython: pure Python wrapper for the Twitter API. Supports both normal and streaming Twitter APIs (